If you are going to visit Rome, you MUST have this book. A compendium of the traditional restaurants , trattorie, osterie, pizzerie and also specialty shops in Rome. But the main peculiarity , that you can't find in the other guides, is that you'll not find in this book the place were the tourist go, but only the place where the true Romans go.
So you are sure that you can taste the real Roman dishes and you can feel the real atmosphere of a Roman trattoria, and I can swear that at least once in your life you should try this experience.
I'm Roman and I still love to do it !
Every restaurant is meticulously detailed with price, address, opening days,website,description of the place and the dishes, with a final rate.
I analyzed all the description, and I have to say (since I have tried many of the restaurant mentioned) that it's all real and there aren't partial opinions.
I really appreciated that there is also the description of many specialty shop, lot of guides haven't it.
I'm Roman but I will use it lot of times and it is a great gift for my english-speaking friends...
Title : Roma nel piatto. Eat as the romans do. English edition
Authors : Simone Cargiani , Fernanda D'arienzo
Publisher : La Pecora Nera
Publishing date : 2008
Che bel blog :) Ti aggiungo al mio blogroll, spero che non ti dispiaccia, ti ho trovata sul forum di ItaliaLiving.
@Desi non puo' farmi che piacere e ti ringrazio !
Ciao Chocolat! Questo libro e' per me che non so mai dove portare mio marito quando torniamo in Italia.... lui si aspetta che io conosca vari posti visto che la mia citta' si trova a un'ora da Roma...Quest'estate quando torno lo cerchero' nelle librerie :)
Un beso,
@Campodifragole anche per me e' fondamentale per quando mi vengono a trovare i miei amici Americani ed Italiani, almeno so dove andare , cosa aspettarmi e quanto spendero'...
@Ciboulette immagino tu stia parlando del 'Allo Sbarco di Enea', effettivamente 'sui generis'. Questo libro mi ha veramente entusiasmato perche' finalmente da' consigli veri...
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